Consumers Choosing Retailers On Online Marketplaces: How Can Retailers Differentiate Apart From The Price? – An Exploratory Investigation


Manuel Adler, Atilla Wohllebe


Online marketplaces are becoming increasingly important for many traders. At the same time, price transparency is a challenge. To secure their profit margins and to be able to convince consumers outside of pricing, it is therefore important for retailers in online marketplaces to understand which factors besides pricing influence the purchasing decision of consumers. This paper focuses therefore on situations where the decision for a certain product is already made and where consumers are only looking for the right retailer in an online marketplace. This paper uses a binary logistic regression to investigate what consumers previous experience with retailers is and how it influences them, apart from price, delivery time, ratings and the consumer's previous experience with the retailer have. The investigation is based on 700 purchase decisions collected in a survey. The paper provides important insights into which aspects retailers should focus on in order to be able to sell successfully via marketplaces even outside of a price war. In addition, the paper suggests more in-depth research questions.

Suggested Citation (APA 7th)

Adler, M., & Wohllebe, A. (2020). Consumers Choosing Retailers On Online Market-places: How Can Retailers Differentiate Apart From The Price? – An Exploratory Investigation. International Journal of Applied Research in Business and Management, 1(1), 27–36.

Publication Information

International Journal of Applied Research in Business and Management
Volume: 1, Issue: 1, December 2020