Digital Transformation as a Tool for Organizational Change and Value Creation


Ethan Aboiron, Jeremie Aboiron


The impact of digital transformation in organizations can be approached from different perspectives. In this article we will focus on the issue of organizational change and value creation through digital transformation. We will see that digital transformation affects or-ganizations as well as their structure. We will observe the impact of this through theories of structural contingency. Beyond the organiza-tional change, we will see that the digital transformation will impact the primary functions of the organization, the support functions, and the decision-making processes through informational issues. The digital era opens up new opportunities for organizations in terms of manufac-turing processes, automation, and decision-making.

Suggested Citation (APA 7th)

Aboiron, E., Aboiron, J. (2022). Digital Transformation as a Tool for Organizational Change and Value Creation. International Journal of Applied Research in Business and Management, 3(1), 29-36.

Publication Information

International Journal of Applied Research in Business and Management
Volume: 3, Issue: 1, February 2022

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